Coffee Chat: Volume 8

1. I attempted a Pinterest craft yesterday. It didn't work out so well. The people on Pinterest make all the crafts look SO easy, and then I try it and I fail haha. 

2. This week has been a really long week. It's been nice and relaxing but, also very long. 

3. Isn't this dining room so pretty? Dining room goals!

4. I made chocolate covered Oreos the other day, and they are SO yummy! I can't stop eating them. Usually when I bake, I give the treats away so I can stay out of them. Because I LOVE baking and decorating the cupcakes and Oreos, but I have a really bad sweet tooth and can't stay out of them. 

5. I have the caramel pumpkin swirl candle lit right now, and it smells so good! My house just smells like fall and I kind of love it.

I hope you guys have a great Friday and a great weekend! :) 


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