How To Slay In 2017 // Keep Your Goals // My Goals For The Year

Happy 2017! 🎉🎉🎉 How is it already 2017? It doesn't seem possible! Firstly, I hope you all had a safe and fun New Years. I didn't really do much to celebrate the New Year, I stayed inside in my pajamas and binge watched The Carrie Diaries on Netflix. I think the most exciting part of the night was that I placed a huge order on Sephora's website. Turn up! 😂 

I say this every year but, I've always been a huge fan of starting a new year, because it's a fresh start and the perfect time to set new goals. 2016 was an amazing year for me! I met some amazing people and made some amazing memories with those people. I stepped out of my comfort zone A LOT. I opened Cappuccino Design Co. It was a pretty productive year! 

Last year, I did really good as sticking with my goals. I was the most motivated and determined that I've ever been. That's why I want to share with you tips that I used last year that helped me keep those goals. I want you guys to have an amazing 2017! So here's some tips on actually sticking to your goals past January 4th... 

Break Them Down. I think breaking up your goals into categories makes them a lot easier to stick to. It helps you focus on more than one goal at a time. I like to break them down into personal, fitness, business, and financial. 

Set Mini Goals. I know that we all want to reach our goals, but sometimes it can be overwhelming when we set too big of a goal. Maybe you're wanting to lose weight, let's say 50 pounds. Instead of focusing on losing that 50 pounds, break it down into mini goals. Say maybe you want to lose 10 pounds each month. That's doable and a lot less stressful than focusing on that big number. Same goes if you're wanting to de-clutter your house. Start with one room at a time, that way it's not so overwhelming.

Put Your Goals Where You Can See Them. Keep your goals somewhere that you can see them everyday, that way you're reminded of what you're working towards. Maybe set them as your computer background? Maybe make a vision board? Or even just keep a list on your desk. 

My Goals: 

These are just some of my goals for 2017. 

Get Organized. I gotta admit, I'm usually a pretty organized person. But since I have an inventory of items for my Etsy shop in my house, things have gotten a bit cluttered. This year I really want to get my office organized and my bedroom. I know that I have a bunch of stuff that I could throw away. I might even share my organization process with you guys, it might make a fun blog series. 

Travel More. This year I really want to travel more. I've been looking at places I want to go, and trying to find the cheapest but nice places to stay. My goal is to also travel to places that I can drive to, I've never been in an airplane and I'm sure if I'm ready to fly in one just yet! I know that I won't be able to stay at a place for very long, maybe a two week trip or something, but I still think it would be a lot of fun to get out and explore different cities. I'm also going to have to narrow down the places that I want to travel to, my list is a mile long! 

Push Myself Creatively. I'm a blogger and a YouTuber, and the community is growing quickly! It can be hard to stand out from everyone else. This year I am going to focus on how I can grow my blog and YouTube channel and stand out from everyone else. I already have some projects in the works, and I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned! 

Read More. I love to read! And this year I really want to read more. I've recently discovered e-books since I got my iPad, and I actually like it. I was always someone that had to physically hold the book to read, but I'm really starting to like the whole e-book thing. I also want to share with you guys the books that I'm reading, and I'll be doing that soon here on the blog. 

Those are just some of my goals for this new year. I am so excited for 2017! I just know that it is going to be an amazing year! I hope that you guys found my tips helpful. 

Now it's your turn! Tell me in the comments your goals for 2017! What are you hoping to achieve in 2017? 

Have a great Monday! 

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