Ins & Outs #8!

Happy Monday! I wanted to start off the week with something simple, so I thought it would be good to start with an ins and outs post. It's raining this morning, and I'm just feeling kind of lazy to be honest. But, I've got my coffee so I'll be feeling better soon! Anyways, let's get into this blog post!


-Fall Candles

Y'all are going to be hearing a lot about fall candles on my blog for awhile. Well, at least until Bath & Body Work's winter candles come out haha! But like, this morning is perfect because it's raining, I'm drinking coffee, my Grandpa is making waffles, and I have a fall candle lit. It's fall af in my house right now and I kind of love it! 

-Mint Oreos

I got some mint flavored Oreos and they're so good! They remind me of thin mint Girl Scout cookies. The only problem I have with them, is that I can't put the Oreos in the freezer like I do the Girl Scout cookies. Anyone else put their thin mints in the freezer? Makes them SO GOOD


I've been really into listening to podcasts lately. I love listening to Coffee With Chrachel. I think eventually I do a blog post sharing my favorite podcasts. If y'all have any that you think I should check out, let me know in the comments!


-Building A Website

It's hard y'all. A lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I'm merging from Etsy to Shopify, and I just want everything to look PERFECT. But it's just taking a lot longer to get everything to look exactly how I want it. 

Yay! It always makes me really happy when I have more ins than outs! 

Have a great Monday! 


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