1. This week has been one of the most stressful weeks. 😩  2. I really wish I had an iced caramel macchiato. I just need a trip t...
Photo 1. This week I've learned that family isn't as important to some as it is to me. 2. Yesterday was seriously SO much...
Reading: Right now, I'm not reading anything. I haven't felt like reading, which makes me really sad because I love to read. On...
1. I've been fighting the flu this week. 😭😭 It started off with a super sore throat, which caused me to not be able to eat, cough,...
#girlboss book  //  salted caramel candle  // fleece lined socks   // personalized travel thermal coffee mug  //  kate spade liquid gl...
1. This week, I've been struggling. I've been going through some things, and it's been hard. I don't want to get too per...