Oliver & Nugget Reviews: Temptations Snacky Mouse Cat Treat Toy

Hi guys! It's Nugget and Oliver! Today we're going to be reviewing the Temptations Snacky Mouse cat treat toy. There's two things that we really love, treats and toys. This is purrfect for us! 
The Temptations Snacky Mouse cat treat toy, comes with the mouse and a little package of treats. 

 The mouse was super easy to fill with treats and get assembled. Or that's what Mom said anyway. We didn't do any assembling, we just ate the treats. 

 We were very happy that the treats came in chicken flavor, because that's our favorite! The treat packet that comes with it is about 12g. 

 It was about 50 degrees the other day, so Mom brought the toy outside to play with! As you guys can see, Petunia and Ellie were pretty excited to see what Mom was holding! Can we just talk about those claws??? 

 When it came time to play with the toy, it was really easy to just bop the toy around and get the treats out. It was actually a lot of fun! ...Until Ellie, Pepper, and Petunia came over... 
You might be wondering, "Oliver, Nugget, why aren't we seeing pictures of you guys playing with the toy? Isn't it Oliver and Nugget Reviews?" Why yes, it is Oliver and Nugget reviews. Some members of our family are a little greedy when it comes to treats and toys. We won't mention any names *cough* Pepper Petunia Ellie *cough*  

...Anyways, the toy was really fun to play with! And we've played with it a few times since we got it in the mail and we're still loving it! 
Overall, we love the Tempations Snacky Mouse cat treat toy! It was a lot of fun to play with it! We give it five paws up! 

The toy was sent to us (the cats and I) from Chewy. All opinions are my own (and the cat's!) 

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