What I've Learned From Starting My Own Business!

I am a business owner. My Etsy shop, YouTube channel, and blog, are all businesses. I've been blogging and making videos for a few years now. Having your own business is fun, but it can also be very stressful. I know that there are many women who aspire to have a way to work from home, but get discouraged. Today, I thought I'd share with you all what I've learned along the way. 

-Follow Your Gut

If I did everything that people told me to do with my business, I wouldn't be where I am.

No matter what anyone says, always follow your gut instinct. You know your business best. You know your business goals best. Listening to your gut is a great way to know what you should do next with your business, despite what others might be saying you should do. If I did everything that people told me to do with my business, I wouldn't be where I am. And I wouldn't be happy with my brand. 

-Don't Take Your Critics Too Seriously

It can be hard when you have people critiquing your work. I'll be honest and say, I've let it affect me and get me down before. But, I've learned that you don't take it too seriously. There's nothing wrong with a little constructive criticism, though. But make sure you realize that there is a big difference between constructive criticism and just plain out mean comments. There's always going to be people who want to put you down. Just ignore them and focus on you boo! 

-Change Your Business As You Change

When I first started with the Chelseamakeup14 brand, I was fourteen. Yes, you read that right. I had NO clue what I was doing! Now that I'm twenty, I am a completely different person then I was back then. And it shows in my business. You as a person are going to grow and change, and that's the same for your business. I'm not going to blog about the same things I was blogging about six years ago! I'm going to blog about what I love now! 

-Don't Compare Your Business To Other Businesses

Some comparison is healthy and completely normal. You should check out what the competition is doing, so you can keep up with the game. But, don't let it get you down. Try your best to be happy for others successes, even when it's tough. When you're down, you'll lose motivation to keep working towards your goals. And that's not good! Also, remember there are people who are looking at your brand and feeling the same exact way. It's all normal!

-Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks

This is probably the most overused piece of advice, but it's also the most true. As a business owner, you have to push past fear and comfort zones. I have definitely had to push myself out of some comfort zones when it comes to my business. Most of the time things work out. But even when it doesn't, there's always a lesson you can take away from it. 

-Remember That Success Takes Time

To some, I might look like I'm failing, but I'm staying true to myself and my brand and that's all that matters to me. 

I am probably the most impatient person. I have to remind myself of this one quite often! Sometimes I'll find myself comparing my brand to other brands out there. Someone that has been making videos for as long as I have, has waaaay more subscribers than I do. Sometimes I get caught up in these markers that I feel like I should be at. Truth is, these things take time. There have been many opportunities that have come my way, that I've passed up because I didn't feel like they were me or my brand. Just because a bunch of other people who have similar brands were doing it, didn't mean that I had to do it too. To some, I might look like I'm failing, but I'm staying true to myself and my brand and that's all that matters to me. 

-Take Time For Inspiration

I've experienced feeling burnt out over my brand before, and it's scary. I actually want to do a blog post on what to do when you're feeling burnt out over your brand. But sometimes, it can be hard to find inspiration. That's why I think it's important to take time for inspiration. Take a little break from your work for a little bit. Maybe go for a walk, read a book, get coffee with a friend. All of these things help! They help me get back to feeling inspired to be creative again. 

-Remember To Have Fun 

There are going to be days that I'm going to feel like I'm a failure, but I just have to remind myself that I'm not perfect. I'm doing the best that I can when it comes to running my business. 

I'm going to be honest and say there are days that I have no clue what I'm doing. There are days that I'd like to rip out my hair and throw my computer out the window. Hey, just being real here! I didn't start the Chelseamakeup14 brand with any business background. I started this brand because I had a dream. I took a risk. There are going to be days that I'm going to feel like I'm a failure, but I just have to remind myself that I'm not perfect. I'm doing the best that I can when it comes to running my business. I also try to make sure that I'm having fun. Because, that's the whole point of having my own business, to work at something I enjoy. 

Do you have any tips that you'd like to share with Chelseamakeup14 readers? Please share in the comments!


Photo: Ashley Creates Things

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